Er. Abhishek Karn
MSc Energy Efficient Building Designs
Institute of Engineering , Pulchowk Campus
B.E. Civil Engineering
Founder, MD & CEO
EDI has the core engine in the form of Er. Abhishek Karn who does most of the technical things , design approvals and takes care of the Project Management. By his thoughtful leadership , the team at EDI works precisely and closely to all the details of the project and makes sure everything is just perfect . Always.

Er. Shubha Karna
B.E Civil
Executive Director

Ar. Shikha Karn
B. Architecture
Executive Director

Mr. Ashutosh Karna
Executive Director

Ms. Sweta Karn
BBA, Westcliff University
Program Director

Mr. Ayush Karn
Program Co-ordinator

Mangesh Dutta
BSc(Hons) Computing, Leeds Beckett University
IT Manager

Er. Harshikesh Karna
MSc Structural Engineering , B.E Civil
Senior Structural Engineer

Er. Saurav Shah
Project Head,
Construction Management and Planning

Ar. Payal Palikhey
B. Architecture
Senior Architect

Ar. Supriya Thapa
B. Architecture
Senior Architect

Ar. Srishti Paudel
B. Architecture
Senior Architect

Ar. Aarzoo Jha
B. Architecture

Ar. Sandhya Regmi
B. Architecture

Er. Bibek Silwal
B.E. Civil
Civil Engineer

Er. Prakash Tamang
B.E. Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineer
Advisor Team

Er. Ramesh Lal Karn
Senior Divisional Engineer
Department of Irrigation, GoN

Mrs. Babita Karna
Manager, Advisor & Motivator

Mr. Suresh Lal Karna
Land Survey Expert

Mrs. Anamika Karna
Motivator and Promoter

Dr. Ajay Chandra Lal
PhD Urban Planning
IOE Pulchowk Campus

Dr. Ajay Kumar Jha
PhD in Mechanical Engineering
IOE Pulchowk Campus

Er. Rakesh Karna
Electrical Engineer
Manager, SUBISU

Er. Santosh Karn
Senior Divisional Engineer
Department of Roads , GoN

Er. Gyaneshwor Jha
MBA, B.E Electronics Engineering

Mr. Sulav Kayashta
Senior Geologist, MSc in Geology
Department of Mines and Geology, GoN

Mr. Rojan Shrestha
Financial Advisor

Mr. Raj Kumar Mahato
Legal Advisor